I recently read an article about where we get our inspiration from and
how certain experiences, events, and people in our life inspire us to do the things we do.
So I got to thinking how about my journey and the things that guided and led me to where I am now and what I am doing.
About 9 years ago an acquaintance at the time offered me an opportunity. Heather was a designer in Toronto who met me thru a mutual friend. She was looking for a part time assistant and decided to call me asking if I would be interested in helping her during the day. She must have seen something in me. I never studied interior design at that point (except working on my own places), in fact I was working at a restaurant at the time and a with enthusiasm I said sure!. I worked during the day went to my restaurant job in the evenings. I mostly worked on creative aspects like concept creation and sourcing as I didn't really have any technical skills to offer but I learned quickly. I also filled in the gaps where I could with admin work, correspondence with suppliers, vendors and contractors as well as running all kinds of errands. Working with her brought out a lot of things I never truly explored about design and style and it was her encouragement, and believing in me that gave me what I needed to pursue a career in interior design. Of course there were so many steps which played a part but together with the initial opportunity and A LOT of work and perseverance and knowledge gained I'm open for business!.